Showing 1 - 9 of 26 items

Recliner Armchair 

Showing 1 - 9 of 26 items

Choose between our stretch and bi-stretch high quality recliner covers, made of 4 pieces (for separate footrest recliners) or 3 pieces (for footrest linked recliners). If you prefer to leave part of the upholstery to be seen, our universal recliner covers are your best option. Prolong the lifespan of your recliner with the cover that best suits its shape.

Because each type of relaxation needs a different cover, here you will find the ideal one to protect your relax armchair with united footrest. They are high quality elastic fabric covers, made up of 3 pieces designed to adapt to the special shape of these relax chairs, protecting them to the maximum and taking care of the aesthetics.

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